With extra strengthening by Vern (the pannier maker)
Unfortunately the replacement dash has not been behaving. I had programmed it to accept my keys, but it kept losing them from its memory. When it does that I have to punch in a 5 digit code before she will start and the ride with the service warning light on and the words "SERVICE" on the display.
While trying to redo the key memory on Friday, the display locked with "Insert the I key", normally it would follow that with "memorised". But not this time. I've unhooked it from the battery, but it refuses to clear.
Anyone got a spare clock ?
On top of that, we have just had Jean's rear suspension bushes replaced (220GBP inc. labour !), and now see that her rear shock has lost damping again. I think it is time to give up and buy a new one for her.
Expensive days.