I wasn't happy with paying over 400GBP for a replacement dash and clocks, and the cheapest I could find on Ebay was 250GBP. However, I was able to find a used one via the Aprilia forum for the bargain price of 100GBP.
When I plugged it in, the test cycle was performed and after keying in the temporary code of 0000 the bike started.
She *will* go to Morocco.
I just need to get used to the clock saying it is now a Strada, and that the fuel gauge is always empty (no fuel gauge on my model).
I've now started to strip down the electrics and clean up any dirty/corroded contacts.
A very time consuming, and due to the bending over, back aching task. About half done, then I will replace the gaffa taped indicator with an old rear one and wheel her back out again....... then start on Jean's electrics....<sigh>
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